Understanding Urinary Tract Infection in Adults

Urinary track infection

Do you feel a burning sensation every time you urinate? Do you frequently want to go to the bathroom to pee? You might have a urinary tract infection or UTI.

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is considered as the most prevalent type of infection that can affect your urinary system. Approximately 60% of women and 12% of men will get this at least once during their lifetime. According to the Kidney Foundation of Canada, UTI affects female Canadians more, with women making 500,000 recorded trips to clinics just to get checked.

Your urinary system is composed of the bladder, ureters, urethra, and kidneys. Urinary tract infections can be classified into two types: lower tract infections involving the bladder, urethra, or prostate (for men) and upper tract infections, affecting the kidneys. The most common infections occur in the kidneys (pyelonephritis) and bladder (cystitis).

What usually causes it?

There is a reason why women are usually more susceptible to urinary tract infections than men. The female urethra is closer to the anus, which can sometimes have bacteria such as E. coli. That is why women are advised to clean up from the front to the back after urinating. Also, females have shorter urethras. Sometimes, having sexual intercourse can also bring bacteria to the urinary tract.

Infections in the bladder and kidneys are commonly caused by bacteria. Nonbacterial causes of UTI include fungi, and rarely, viruses, parasites, and mycobacteria, a type of germ which brings tuberculosis and leprosy in humans. Adults who are immunocompromised have a higher risk factor to contract non bacterial UTI.

What are the symptoms of UTI?

If you are suffering from this disease, the lining of your urinary tract will become inflamed and may bring the following accompanying signs and symptoms:

  • Abdominal, flank, or pelvic pain
  • Lower pelvic pressure
  • Frequently wanting to urinate, feeling of urgency to go to the bathroom, and/or urine leakage
  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • Blood in the urine
  • The urgency to urinate at night causing sleep disruption
  • Cloudy urine or abnormal urine color
  • Foul-smelling urine

Other associated symptoms include:

  • Painful sex
  • Burning sensation in the penis
  • Burning sensation in the vagina
  • Lower back discomfort or pain
  • Tiredness
  • Chills
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Mental confusion


If you are feeling the above mentioned symptoms, the best thing you can do to determine if you are indeed having UTI is to go to a doctor for a diagnosis. Doctors will usually ask you to provide your urine sample for urinalysis. If you cannot personally visit a doctor or a walk-in clinic, you can contact an online doctor Toronto instead.

What you need to do to relieve common symptoms

  • Drink plenty of water. Water is not only good for hydration – it also dilutes your urine. Frequent drinking will also mean you will urinate more and in a larger liquid volume. It is like flushing the bacteria from your urinary tract.
  • Drink healthy diuretic beverages. Cranberry juice is a popular beverage for those suffering from UTI. Be careful about the one you buy though. High-sugar juices are not advisable if you are suffering from urinary tract infection. Choose cranberry juice with less sugar or just make your own. The best natural alternative to water when it comes to diuretic beverages is coconut juice. Getting the no-sugar variety is best. Coconut water is an excellent bladder cleanser and will help you urinate more.
  • Heating pad. Warm pads can improve circulation and bring temporary relief to aching abdomens, flanks, or lower pelvic areas.
  •  Prescription medicines. This is why you need to get diagnosed and see your doctor immediately. Your medication will give you fast relief and treatment from UTI.

What you can do to prevent recurrence of UTI

If you are suffering from recurring UTI, you might want to look at your lifestyle and tweak some of your habits. Here are the things you can do:

  • Diligently watch your water intake. Becoming dehydrated will increase your chances of UTI recurrence. Make sure that you drink 8 glasses of water or more daily.
  • Check your feminine products. Women use a variety of feminine products like panty liners, wipes, and feminine soaps. Make sure that you are using hypo-allergenic ones. Other feminine wares can be irritating to your genital area and may cause urinary tract infection.
  • Makes sure to urinate after sexual intercourse. Women may sometimes contract bacteria during intercourse. Urinating after an encounter will assure that your urinary tract can at least be flushed of pathogens. Try drinking a glass of water or two before the contact to ensure that you will urinate a few minutes after. 
  • Avoid food and drinks that give kidneys a heavy load. Try to go light on salt, alcoholic drinks, and high-sugar beverages. Give your kidneys a break by snacking on healthier options and drinking natural diuretics.

Urinary tract infection may be a common disease, but it is a discomfort that can affect your routine and it is not something that should be neglected because it may lead to something worse. Take care of your body and avoid UTI by starting to walk the road to wellness.


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