Why Am I Always Sick? 6 Reasons to Consider

Do you usually find yourself bedridden? In your family circle, are you the one who usually acquires common illnesses? Does your circle of friends call you the flu-catcher? If you are one of those people who frequently get sick, it’s time to know why you are this way.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a normal adult may suffer two to three bouts of colds every year. If you experience more than four episodes of colds yearly, you may want to consider asking your doctor why you are ill most of the time.

Why do you keep on getting sick? Most of the time, the cause can be something you can prevent, change, or manage. Other times, the basis might be something you have no control over. Here are some common reasons why you are feeling unwell most of the time:

1. You have chronic stress.

Stress is a normal body reaction to problems and challenges but constant stress can compromise the function of the immune system, leading to frequent bouts of ailment. When you become so enamored by stressful situations, the body releases the hormone cortisol, which primarily puts your whole system into flight or fight mode. Chronic stress will also prevent you from getting a night of good sleep, eating properly, or focusing on your general wellbeing – regular activities that stimulate healing and body replenishment.

How do you decrease your stress levels? Get rid of your main stressors and free up your daily schedules to make time for de-stressing activities. Learn how to meditate or do yoga – activities that relax the mind and the body.

2. You are not eating the right food.

Garbage in, garbage out. If you think you are getting sick than most people, check what you are eating. Think of your body as a machine. A machine needs the right type of oil to function properly. Your body, too, needs a proper fuel source to continue its normal daily operations. Consuming nutritious food means feeding your body with the proper nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. If you want to help your body combat diseases:

  • Eat more vegetables and fruits and cut back on junk food.
  • Go for lean proteins instead of fatty ones. Better yet, shift to plant-based proteins.
  • Consume whole grains as much as possible.
  • Restrict the consumption of sugary, salty, and fatty foods.

Different age groups have different needs when it comes to energy and nutrition but the above-mentioned tips are the most basic things you can do to start gearing up your body against fighting diseases.

3.   You are not drinking water often.

Water is life. It basically makes up 60% of the adult human body. Being an important component of the human framework, you might expect that people will do their part in maintaining 8 to 10 glasses a day of water consumption. But no. There are still people who would rather drink something else. And if your water consumption is falling short, this can be a reason you are falling sick. If in a day, you are drinking more coffee or sugary juices than actual water, you might want to change this habit in order to keep your body healthy.

4.   You do not exercise enough.

Regular physical activity improves the immune system. It has long been established that proper exercise can not only tone and strengthen your body, it can also improve your overall mental state. On the other hand, adopting a sedentary lifestyle will propel you deeper into an unhealthy abyss. How do you keep your body moving? First, establish a routine. Choose a physical activity that you are glad to do. If you like to dance, try Zumba or aerobic exercises. If you lean more on the relaxation side, learn meditation or yoga. Or, you can mix both for an exciting morning exercise habit.

5.   You are not practicing proper hygiene.

You are getting sick for a reason. And it might be because you are not as careful as you expect yourself to be. Bad hygiene can spell disaster for anyone. Take note of your cleanliness routine. Are you washing your hands properly? And often? With the COVID-19 outbreak, hand washing became a preventive measure against contracting the disease, and rightly so! A person touches his or her face more than 20 times an hour, so if you are not cleaning up your hands before eating, after using the restroom, or after an outdoor activity, you might be exposing yourself to all kinds of diseases.

6.   You have immune system disorders

If you have an immune system disorder, your capability to fight antigens that cause illnesses is compromised. This sickness can be brought about by improper nutrition, age, or genetics. Another inheritable condition is having a low white blood count. Leukopenia, a disorder where you can have a reduced number of white blood cells, can be the reason why you are frequently down with an ailment. The white blood cell is an important factor in fighting off infections and pathogens. Having low white blood cells affects your ability to fight diseases. If you suspect that you might have this condition, you should talk to a physician about it. If you are not comfortable with going to a walk in clinic Edmonton because of the current global situation, you can try consulting an online doctor first.

Staying healthy is important today. Know why you are sick and start your journey towards a healthier self.


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