Why Does Your Breast Hurt? Here are 5 Reasons

Why Does Your Breast Hurt? Here are 5 Reasons

Most women have experienced pain in their breasts at some point in their life. Just like any other part of the body, there are times when the breast of a woman feels sore. If you are having sore breasts, it is usually not a cause for concern. But depending on the cause, breast pain can be alarming. It is better if you research the probable cause of that soreness. Some typical symptoms of breast pain include swelling, soreness, tightness, and shooting pain. Listed below are five most common reasons why women experience a pain in their breasts. Wrong Bra Almost…

Hyperhidrosis: What You Need To Know

Sweating, as a bodily function, helps in the regulation of your body temperature. It is also called perspiration which is a result of changes in the body and outside temperature, or your state of emotion. In normal amounts, sweating is essential. But abnormally excessive sweating, otherwise known as Hyperhidrosis, is a health condition that needs medication attention.  It can be both physically and psychologically damaging.  Sweating is usually a result when one exercises or exerts themselves. A hot environment or anxiety and stress can also cause sweating. But the extreme sweating brought by hyperhidrosis far overshadows normal sweating. When one…
Reduce Mental Stress While Working at Home

Reduce Mental Stress While Working at Home

The coronavirus outbreak has affected the daily life and routine of people around the world including our work habits and work environment. Due to the lockdown that has been implemented in most countries, companies resulted in a "Work from Home" concept. Government facilities in Canada and most companies, no matter the size, have implemented a work from home setting while in a lockdown. Companies that have an option for remote working are also highly favored by most people to secure the safety of their entire family. Since work has been brought home, a lot of employees have been experiencing mental…
7 Tips to Prevent Hormonal Imbalance in Women

7 Tips to Prevent Hormonal Imbalance in Women

Some women find it difficult to lead a life of dealing with hormones and their effects. Sure, you cannot live without them, but living with them can bring various challenges. Hormones are the body’s chemical messengers. By traveling through your bloodstream, your hormones go to other organs to regulate regular body functions ranging from your monthly menstruation to how you absorb food and nutrients. These chemical messengers, if in the right amount, help keep normal body processes, both physical and mental. But too much or too little of these hormones mean can result in diseases and other negative health effects. …
bue green algae

5 Health Risks Posed by Blue-Green Algae in Thunder Bay

In recent news, the local health unit in Thunder Bay, Ontario confirmed the presence of blue-green algae in Icarus Lake and Madeline Like. This was days after the Thunder Bay District Health Unit or TBDHU found the same algal bloom progressing in Warnica Lake. TBDHU released an advisory to avoid going near those waters while toxin testing is being conducted and there are indications of algal bloom. What are blue-green algae exactly? And how do they affect people, animals, and the surroundings? Understanding blue-green algae Despite its name, blue-green algae are not algae after all. They are a type of…

Why Am I Always Sick? 6 Reasons to Consider

Do you usually find yourself bedridden? In your family circle, are you the one who usually acquires common illnesses? Does your circle of friends call you the flu-catcher? If you are one of those people who frequently get sick, it’s time to know why you are this way. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a normal adult may suffer two to three bouts of colds every year. If you experience more than four episodes of colds yearly, you may want to consider asking your doctor why you are ill most of the time. Why do you…
Urinary track infection

Understanding Urinary Tract Infection in Adults

Do you feel a burning sensation every time you urinate? Do you frequently want to go to the bathroom to pee? You might have a urinary tract infection or UTI. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is considered as the most prevalent type of infection that can affect your urinary system. Approximately 60% of women and 12% of men will get this at least once during their lifetime. According to the Kidney Foundation of Canada, UTI affects female Canadians more, with women making 500,000 recorded trips to clinics just to get checked. Your urinary system is composed of the bladder, ureters,…
covid-19 outbreak

Being a Responsible Millennial During Covid-19 Outbreak

Canada’s battle against the novel coronavirus disease is far from over yet. As per recent news reports, although the rise of cases in other parts of the country seemed to have stabilized, cases in Western Canada show no sign of slowing down. Health experts attribute this spike in new cases to the young population. From initially affecting older people in long-term care facilities, data now shows that the virus is spreading more among a much younger age group. The Public Health Agency of Canada announced that people who belong to the 20-39 population or the millennials have the highest Covid-19…
Stressed at work

How Can I Keep Myself Healthy During Viral Outbreaks?

Practicing social distancing. Putting on facial masks. Using alcohol and sanitizer. Staying at home as much as possible. Health authorities imposed basic protocols to minimize and even curb transmission of the novel coronavirus strain that upended the daily lives of people and communities all over the world. There is, however, another important thing you can do besides complying with these rules, and that is boosting your immune system. Countries, including Canada, must adopt a "new normal" system to adjust to the social impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Although the government’s efforts seemed to limit the spread of the virus, Canada…
Leaky Gut

3 Tips to Heal Your Gut and Lose the Weight for Good

Weight loss is as simple as eat less and exercise more, right? That is certainly the messages we hear in the media. And it sometimes may seem like an easier solution. But unfortunately, it doesn't always work. A surprising weight loss journey Janet (not her real name) is a client of mine who came to me to lose weight. She had tried everything and currently was exercising intensely twice per day to try to make the scale budge. And it wasn't budging! https://youtu.be/scDmziIwUEY Janet's friend, Claire, came to me months earlier to address her symptoms of joint aches and pains…